If you need to change to a new license key due to a license upgrade/downgrade and have difficulty updating it with our installer or control panel plugin, you can manually change the license key with the following steps:
For LiteSpeed Web Server:
Assuming that LSWS is installed to "/usr/local/lsws",
1. # cd /usr/local/lsws/conf
2. # mv serial.no serial.no.old
3. # mv license.key license.key.old
4. # echo "" > serial.no
5. # cd ../bin
6. # ./lshttpd -r
7. # ./lswsctrl restart
For LiteSpeed Web ADC:
Assuming that LSLB is installed to "/usr/local/lslb",
1. # cd /usr/local/lslb/conf
2. # mv serial.no serial.no.old
3. # mv license.key license.key.old
4. # echo "" > serial.no
5. # cd ../bin
6. # ./lslbd -r
7. # ./lslbctrl restart