LSCache for WordPress v4.6

This release consists of bug fixes and more.

- [Page Optimize] Improved compatibility for JS Delay.
- BUG: [Page Optimize] Fixed an issue for network subsites that occurred when only CSS/JS Minify are enabled.
- [Localization] Added query string compatibility for Resource URLs.
- [Vary] Fixed a potential PHP warning when server variable `REQUEST_METHOD` is not detected.
- [Cache] Guest Mode now respects Cache Excludes settings.
- [GUI] Added warning notice when enabling `Localize Resources` feature; each localized JS resource requires thorough testing!
- [GUI] Fixed a PHP Deprecated warning that occurred with the Mobile Cache User Agent setting on PHP v8.1+. (jrmora)
- [Conf] Removed Google related scripts from default `Localization Files` value.
- [Media] WordPress core Lazy Load feature is now automatically disabled when LiteSpeed Lazy Load Images option is enabled. (VR51 #Issue440)
- BUG: [API] Filter `litespeed_ucss_per_pagetype` for UCSS now also applies to CSS Combine to avoid UCSS failure. (Ankit)
- [API] Added a filter `litespeed_media_ignore_remote_missing_sizes` to disable auto detection for remote images that are missing dimensions. (Lucas)


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

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