LiteSpeed Ingress Controller for Web ADC v0.2.6

In this release: several new features and improvements, bug fixes, and more!

- [Feature] Support Gateway release 1.0.0
- [Feature] HTTP/3 implementation has been update to support QUICv2 protocol.
- [Feature] mod_security engine now has an option to use RE2 instead PCRE regex engine.
- [Feature] Add HEAD request caching.
- [Improvement] add missing access log format following Apache spec.
- [Improvement] Add virtual host level max connections limit per IP.
- [Security] More strict request header validation.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed build error in 0.2.5 HTTP/3.
- [Bug Fix] No longer will report Duplicate Value in updating HttpRoute status.
- [Bug Fixes] There are minor bug fixes to cache engine, mod_security engine and request handling.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

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