LSCache for WordPress v2.4.2 was released today.
In this release: additional improvements to image optimization and more!
Full release log:
[IMPROVEMENT] Media Sped up Image Optimization process by replacing IAPI server pull communication.
[IMPROVEMENT] Media Ability to delete optimized WebP/original image by item in Media Library. (@redgoodapple)
[IMPROVEMENT] CSS Optimize Generate new optimized CSS name based on purge timestamp. Allows CSS cache to be cleared for visitors. (@bradbrownmagic)
[IMPROVEMENT] API added litespeed_img_optm_options_per_image. (@gintsg)
[UPDATE] Stopped showing “No Image Found” message when all images have finished optimization. (@knutsp)
[UPDATE] Improved a PHP warning when saving settings. (@sergialarconrecio)
[UPDATE] Changed backend adminbar icon default behavior from Purge All to Purge LSCache.
[UPDATE] Clearing CCSS cache will clear unfinished queue too.
[UPDATE] Added “$” exact match when adding URL by frontend adminbar dropdown menu, to avoid affecting any sub-URLs.
[UPDATE] Fixed IAPI error message showing array bug. (@thiomas)
[UPDATE] Debug Disable All will do a Purge All.
[UPDATE] Critical CSS server IP changed to
[GUI] Showed plugin update link for IAPI version message.
[GUI] Bypassed null IAPI response message.
[GUI] Grouped related settings with indent.
[IAPI] Added 503 handler for IAPI response.
[IAPI] IAPI v2.4.2.
[IAPI] Center Server IP Changed from to
Tuesday, August 21, 2018