LSCache for WordPress v3.2.3
In this release: a new Unique CSS option, bug fixes, and more!
* 🌱**Page Optimize** Added Unique CSS option for future removal of unused CSS per page. (@moongear)
* **Page Optimize** Fixed an issue where Font Optimization could fail when having Load JS Deferred and Load Inline JS Deferred. (#PR241 @joejordanbrown)
* 🐞**Page Optimize** Fixed an issue with Font Display Optimization which caused Google Fonts to load incorrectly. (#PR240 @joejordanbrown @haidan)
* 🐞**Network** Use Primary Site Configuration setting for network sites now works properly with Object Cache and Browser Cache. (#56175101)
* **API** Added filter `litespeed_is_from_cloud` to detect if the current request is from QC or not. (@lechon)
* **ESI** ESI Nonce now can fetch latest list with one click.
* **GUI** Updated remaining documentation links & some minor UI tweaks. (@Joshua Reynolds)
Thursday, June 18, 2020