LSCache for WordPress v3.2.2

In this release: improvements to ESI nonce, bug fixes, and more!

[Purge] Scheduled Purge URLs now supports wildcard. (#427338)
[ESI] ESI Nonce supports wildcard match now.
[Network] Use Primary Site Settings now can support Domain Key, and override mechanism improved. (@alican532 #96266273)
[Cloud] Debug mode will now have no interval limit for most cloud requests. (@ruikai)
[Conf] Default Purge Stale to OFF.
[GUI] Purge Stale renamed to Serve Stale.
[Data] Predefined nonce list located in /litespeed-cache/data/esi.nonce.txt. Pull requests welcome.
[Debug] Limited parameter log length.
[CDN] Fixed an issue where upgrading lost value of CDN switch setting. (#888668)
[3rd] Caldera Forms ESI Nonce enhancement. (@paconarud16 @marketingsweet)
[3rd] Elementor now purges correctly after post/page updates.
[3rd] Disabled Page Optimization features on AMP to avoid webfont JS inject. (@rahulgupta1985)


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

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