LSCache for WordPress v2.9.3
In this release: improvements to ESI, and more!
ESI: ESI shortcodes can now be saved in Gutenberg editor.
ESI: ESI now honors the parent page JSON data type to avoid breaking REST calls (LSWS 5.3.6+).
ESI: Added is_json parameter support for admin_bar.
ESI: Simplified comment form code.
3rd: Better page builder plugin compatibility within AJAX calls.
3rd: Compatibility with FacetWP (LSWS 5.3.6+).
3rd: Compatibility with Beaver Builder.
Debug: Added ESI buffer content to log.
Tag: Only append blog ID to cache tags when site is part of a network.
IAPI: Optimized database query for pulling images.
GUI: Added more plugin version checking for better feature compatibility.
GUI: Ability to bypass non-critical banners with the file .litespeed_no_banner.
Media: Background image WebP replacement now supports quotes around src.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019